CPD Film Club Reflection
Dialogic talk CPD session The lesson that we watched was a fourth grade Maths lesson. The teacher wrote an equation on the board asked...

10 Teaching Essentials and Pitfalls
In writing this, I’ve been thinking about two sets of teachers. Firstly, I’ve been thinking about various very strong teachers I’ve...

A reflection on working memory
I have been reading some more educational research recently, and I am going to be posting some reflections on what I have taken away from...
Only by very strict behaviour management can you free children's minds
Self-confessed ‘hippy’ headteacher Mike Fairclough believes that from strong behaviour management comes the freedom to broaden children’s...
It's your time you're wasting
One does not simply walk into Mordor, and one does not simply pop into IKEA for a packet of napkins and an Ottoman. The Scandinavian...

10 Books Every Teacher Should Read
Recently I was asked to nominate a book or piece of writing that I thought represented the best educational writing of recent years. I...

8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language
Understanding Academic Language Academic language is a meta-language that helps learners acquire the 50,000 words that they are expected...

Five things every teacher needs to know about behaviour management
Managing students’ behaviour can be the most terrifying aspect of becoming a teacher. Although it’s the nightmare scenarios of being told...

Why Social Justice in Education
What is social justice? At Esperanza Education, we speak often about the importance of social justice education and the necessity to...

Los Retos de la Interculturalidad
Interculturalidad y educación El tema de la interculturaldiad es de común presencia en los debates educativos actuales. No solo en...