The Ingredients for Great Teaching
The Ingredients For Great Teaching is an evidence informed book by Pedro De Bruyckere on some broad themes that help make teaching great....
10 Silver Arrows
Silver Arrows? It’s very hard to change your practice. We’re all so busy, very often it is difficult to create space to fully explore a...

Thinking Activities
I recently came across a couple of excellent templates for some brilliant activities to help get students thinking more deeply about the...
The Dangers of Misconceptions
For quite a long time I was not particularly concerned about misconceptions. Trained in a predominantly exploratory and student-centred...
Things I Wish I Had Known before now...
With the research I have been doing lately I have come across many things that seem like they should be at the very heart of teacher...
Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach?
Article: Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach? Author: Daniel T. Willingham "Students can learn certain metacognitive strategies...
Imagining a New Bloom's
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the uses and mis-uses of Bloom’s Taxonomy, that trusted framework of teaching referenced by just...

Websites for Classroom Use
In this post I am going to give a very brief overview of some websites that can be useful in the classroom. They all lend themselves very...

10 Teaching Essentials and Pitfalls
In writing this, I’ve been thinking about two sets of teachers. Firstly, I’ve been thinking about various very strong teachers I’ve...

Reflections on INSET
Following our recent INSET workshop with Alan Jervis from Dragonfly Training, I asked all staff in the Upper School a simple question:...