Teaching History in TOK
Last week I came away from a TOK lesson feeling that I had reached the pinnacle of my career and that perhaps I should pack in teaching...
Encouraging and improving student talk with FlipGrid
Over the past 9 months I have been thinking a lot about ways in which I can encourage pupils to talk to each other, discuss topics and...
‘Tis Not Too Late to Seek a Newer World’ (Alfred Tennyson)
Every 6 or 7 years the IB reviews the languages curriculum. That time is here, and the first cohort of the new curriculum is our current...

An Analysis of Effective Online Teaching
Late 2019 saw the emergence of Coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Within the space of a few months, the virus had spread to almost every...
Some reflections
With the start of Bimester 3 underway, the initial stress related to online learning has faded into the background. Classes have embraced...
PODCAST a new way to learn
Over the past few months, many of us have had new virtual experiences, so I came to the podcast. We understand a podcast as an audio that...

No whiteboard, no problem!
There is good evidence that effective dual coding (designing your explanations so that the same information is presented both verbally/in...
Thoughts on how to improve E-learning in IB with one 4 page document
A recent NY Times article stated; “Online learning is ineffective for most school children and special-needs children, the panel of...
How is distance learning changing the student-teacher relationship?
At the beginning of our lockdown period, when school was first run remotely, I felt very nervous about online teaching. I had concerns...

Simulating Lab Practicals
Clearly the current situation is challenging for teachers in all subjects. However, the practical subjects are particularly challenging...