‘Tis Not Too Late to Seek a Newer World’ (Alfred Tennyson)
Every 6 or 7 years the IB reviews the languages curriculum. That time is here, and the first cohort of the new curriculum is our current...
Taking e-learning back into the classroom
Last bimester, I struggled to get to grips with e-teaching. I felt confident using Google Classroom and Zoom, but I was not prepared in...
Using Google Sites in Remote Teaching
Amidst the current crisis keeping us all housebound, there is no doubt that many are going a little bonkers. Online teaching provides...
Concept-Based Learning in English
Every two or three years Cambridge, in their wisdom, decide to change the texts we can teach in IGCSE Literature. Sometimes this can be...
Five Steps To Revolutionize Whole-Class Novels
As a department we are continually discussing how we can develop more engagement, independence and stamina with reading in our students....

Lesson Study Reflection (2015)
What We Did: We carried out a Lesson Study that focused on enhancing students thinking and analysis skills. Through our Lesson Study, we...

How to ensure that feedback leads to real learning
To read the blog by Andy Tharby (author of Making Every Lesson Count), go to his blog page here: https://reflectingenglish.wordpress.com/...