Encouraging and improving student talk with FlipGrid
Over the past 9 months I have been thinking a lot about ways in which I can encourage pupils to talk to each other, discuss topics and...
Some reflections
With the start of Bimester 3 underway, the initial stress related to online learning has faded into the background. Classes have embraced...

No whiteboard, no problem!
There is good evidence that effective dual coding (designing your explanations so that the same information is presented both verbally/in...
How is distance learning changing the student-teacher relationship?
At the beginning of our lockdown period, when school was first run remotely, I felt very nervous about online teaching. I had concerns...

Simulating Lab Practicals
Clearly the current situation is challenging for teachers in all subjects. However, the practical subjects are particularly challenging...
PE Unit Planning During Quarantine
Adapting practical Physical Education to an online learning platform has proven to be a difficult task. The PE department S.O.W’s are...
Taking e-learning back into the classroom
Last bimester, I struggled to get to grips with e-teaching. I felt confident using Google Classroom and Zoom, but I was not prepared in...
Musings on Independent Learning
My experience of online learning thus far has certainly challenged my view of what education could and should look like. However, one of...
From ‘Real Time Musical Ensembles’ to ‘Virtual Musical Projects’
It is not an easy road! What a change…Having full ensemble rehearsals or just sectional ones was our daily routine in the Music...
Reflections on Online Teaching
Like many of us I’m sure that your strategy for online learning has changed numerous times over the past 5 weeks. I wanted to take this...