Strengthening the Student Toolbox
Article: Strengthening the Student Toolbox Author: John Dunlosky "…students believe these relatively ineffective strategies are actually...
The Dangers of Misconceptions
For quite a long time I was not particularly concerned about misconceptions. Trained in a predominantly exploratory and student-centred...
Things I Wish I Had Known before now...
With the research I have been doing lately I have come across many things that seem like they should be at the very heart of teacher...

Reward: Lost Mojo
I’ve come into contact with a lot of teachers lately that have lost their mojo. They’ve been grumpy, depleted, self-doubting, lethargic,...
Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach?
Article: Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach? Author: Daniel T. Willingham "Students can learn certain metacognitive strategies...
Imagining a New Bloom's
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the uses and mis-uses of Bloom’s Taxonomy, that trusted framework of teaching referenced by just...
3 Classroom Tips for Stronger Digital Learning
More and more classrooms are gaining access to digital technology. And that’s a good thing. In a world that is increasingly reliant on...
Mr Barton Podcast
I have been listening to the Mr Barton Podcast for about a year now. It makes my journey to and from school each day a bit more...

Ten teaching techniques to practise - deliberately
It’s a well-established idea that, to develop expertise in a particular skill or technique, you need to practise. The more you practise,...

Learning Versus Performance
Article: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review Author: Nicholas C. Soderstrom and Robert A. Bjork "…instruction should...