Process Worksheets
My comfort zone in the classroom as a teacher is teaching the same way I was taught. I teach Mathematics, and the way I had it when I...

Principles of Instruction
Article: Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know Author: Barak Rosenshine Image credit: Oliver...

Strengthening the Student Toolbox
Article: Strengthening the Student Toolbox Author: John Dunlosky "…students believe these relatively ineffective strategies are actually...
Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach?
Article: Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach? Author: Daniel T. Willingham "Students can learn certain metacognitive strategies...
Mr Barton Podcast
I have been listening to the Mr Barton Podcast for about a year now. It makes my journey to and from school each day a bit more...

Learning Versus Performance
Article: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review Author: Nicholas C. Soderstrom and Robert A. Bjork "…instruction should...
Is Direct Instruction the Answer to the Right Question
This Kirschner article has widely been criticised in academic circles for its misguided/simplistic definitions of constructivism and...

Why Minimal Guidance Instruction Does Not Work
Article: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based,...
MITT Experience
I was already teaching at Markham before I joined the MITT programme and I decided to take part in it because it was a great opportunity...

Websites for Classroom Use
In this post I am going to give a very brief overview of some websites that can be useful in the classroom. They all lend themselves very...