Concept-Based Learning in English
Every two or three years Cambridge, in their wisdom, decide to change the texts we can teach in IGCSE Literature. Sometimes this can be...

What do we mean by Objective Driven Teaching?
When planning lessons it is easy to think "What activity shall I get the students to do?" or even "I have this wonderful activity, let's...

Ideas for "Do Nows"
Broadly speaking, there are two purposes behind a great "Do Now" activity: preview or review. Personally, I am a fan of review, as this...

Making use of my Big Whiteboards
One of the Principles of Great Teaching that I have chosen to focus on this year is Checking for Understanding. This is something that I...

Content, Concepts and Skills
The IB has a focus on conceptual understanding (it is one of their Approaches to Teaching) but also recognises the importance of...
Value of Student Feedback
Student feedback can sound daunting. Opening ourselves up to criticism is never easy and coming from students that criticism can be...
Active Learning y el Blog de Castellano
El aprendizaje activo es un arriesgarse continuo, porque el maestro está en búsqueda de actividades que permitan a los estudiantes...
Shadowing Students
A couple of weeks ago I spent two days shadowing students in two different year groups (S1 and S3). In this post I will outline my main...
Successes and Targets
I recently saw this tweet and it made me stop and reflect on what my successes were for this year, and what I want to work on next year....

Seven Myths About Education
Seven Myths about Education is an exploration of some widely held ideas about education, and how they are not true. Daisy Christodoulou...