Ten Benefits of Testing
Article: Ten Benefits of Testing and Their Applications to Educational Practice Author: Henry L. Roediger III, Adam L. Putnam and Megan...

The Ingredients for Great Teaching
The Ingredients For Great Teaching is an evidence informed book by Pedro De Bruyckere on some broad themes that help make teaching great....
Explanations and Modelling
"In your best explanations, your artistry with words will transform complicated and abstract material into something clear and...

Dunning-Kruger and Curse of Knowledge
Recently I have been looking into the idea of Cognitive Biases (https://yourbias.is/), both from a personal level and an educational...

The Science of Learning
Article: The Science of Learning Author: Deans for Impact Article Reading Time: 20 minutes Summary The Science of Learning is a summary...
How I Teach - Dan Rodriguez-Clark
In this post I am going to share some of the ideas I use in my day to day lessons. These aren't lessons that I have prepared specifically...
How Knowledge Helps
Article: How Knowledge Helps Author: Daniel T. Willingham Article Reading Time: 20 minutes (11 pages) "It's true that knowledge gives...

Making Every Lesson Count
This post is a summary of the book Making Every Lesson Count by Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby. The book aims to provide a set of...
10 Silver Arrows
Silver Arrows? It’s very hard to change your practice. We’re all so busy, very often it is difficult to create space to fully explore a...
Checking for Recall and Understanding
I would say that this is often one of the weakest areas of practice in teaching in relation to how important it is: checking that...