Project Based Learning in History
Implementation At the end of the last academic year, the History department built on it’s existing model of project based learning, drew...

Bidding for Knowledge
In ToK, students need to think about the methods used to gain new knowledge across the Human Sciences and whether these different methods...

4th Education Conference 2018 Healthy Hearts, Healthy Minds
“By 2030 depression will be the most significant health issue facing the millennial generation”. (WHO, 2012) Conference Overview The...

Does engagement actually matter?
Suggesting that student engagement might actually be a bad thing tend to get certain people’s dander up. There was a mild spat recently...

Thinking Activities
I recently came across a couple of excellent templates for some brilliant activities to help get students thinking more deeply about the...

There Is No Perfect Teacher (Just a Bunch of Great Ones)
I’ve taught at two schools in my career. The first, in California, had a dozen teachers in total. I adored my colleagues, but we each had...
Process Worksheets
My comfort zone in the classroom as a teacher is teaching the same way I was taught. I teach Mathematics, and the way I had it when I...
What Happens When Students Design Their Own Assessments?
With classmates, parents, teachers, and even the Roanoke County schools superintendent standing before him, high school senior Bubba...
The Dangers of Misconceptions
For quite a long time I was not particularly concerned about misconceptions. Trained in a predominantly exploratory and student-centred...