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12 Pointers Towards Great Teaching Assessment and Learning

Twelve is a good a number as any for directing people towards better teaching, assessment and learning. It certainly won’t cover everything and there are probably things you will disagree with. I don’t have any monopoly on what might improve teaching, assessment and learning. Rather these are the distillation of a number of presentations I have made of late and we are in the process of implementing across the Trust.

The quotes below in blue tend to be tag lines I use when presenting which are linked to particular slides and help me connect various parts together.

“You Can’t Teach Everything So Teach the Best that Has Been Thought or Said or Done”

There simply isn’t enough time to teach your whole subject; this would require many life times of teaching and learning to cover even a fraction of it. There are decisions to make and you need to teach that which is essential; the big ideas, the great works, the key concepts. What must your pupils study and learn, to understand and appreciate your subject, during their compulsory schooling?

To read the full blog post by Leading Learner (@LeadingLearner) on 12 Pointers Towards Great Teaching Assessment and Learning follow this link:





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