Formative Assessment
One of my roles at school is to present a short teaching and learning slot in staff briefing on a Monday morning. The Lead Practitioners do this on a rota, so I'm on every nine weeks. This is a challenge - it's hard to find good teaching ideas that can be clearly explained in a two minute time slot and are relevant to teachers in every subject.

In last week's briefing I chose to present on formative assessment because this is part of my teaching practice that I've improved significantly over the last couple of years. I've not perfected it yet, but I'm getting better.
I used to think that circulating around the room during lessons and looking at my students' classwork gave me a good insight into whether they'd learnt anything. In most lessons I'd conclude that enough of them were getting the right answers, and this meant that I'd taught the topic well enough to move onto a new topic. Later in the term they'd do a test and I'd be disappointed when they got the wrong answers. Had they forgotten the things I'd taught them, or not learnt them properly in the first place?
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