6B Students learn about heart and lung anatomy, structure and function by dissection.

In PE one of our key foci in teaching and learning is to plan regular opportunities for students to experience theory in an active learning environment. In today’s lesson 6B achieved this by learning about the structure and function of the heart and lungs through dissecting the heart and lungs of a cow. Firstly, the students were given fundamental knowledge of heart structure and function by completing standard identifying and labelling tasks. The class, then, answered questions on the flow of blood, the role of valves and the relationship between the pulmonary and systemic circuits. After consolidating their knowledge, 6B then had to apply it by undertaking a dissection of the heart and lungs in groups. During the dissection, the students examined the lungs whilst explaining to each other the complex functions of the intricate principal structures.
What went well? Having the students active and engaged meant the lesson was enjoyable. Students could actually touch and feel the heart and lungs allowing them to make comparisons and connect theory to practical application. The lesson was an intense experience for some of the students so will therefore be memorable.
What did not work so well? A dissection can leave some students feeling a little queasy.