Reward: Lost Mojo
I’ve come into contact with a lot of teachers lately that have lost their mojo. They’ve been grumpy, depleted, self-doubting, lethargic,...
Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach?
Article: Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach? Author: Daniel T. Willingham "Students can learn certain metacognitive strategies...
Imagining a New Bloom's
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the uses and mis-uses of Bloom’s Taxonomy, that trusted framework of teaching referenced by just...
3 Classroom Tips for Stronger Digital Learning
More and more classrooms are gaining access to digital technology. And that’s a good thing. In a world that is increasingly reliant on...
Mr Barton Podcast
I have been listening to the Mr Barton Podcast for about a year now. It makes my journey to and from school each day a bit more...

Ten teaching techniques to practise - deliberately
It’s a well-established idea that, to develop expertise in a particular skill or technique, you need to practise. The more you practise,...

Learning Versus Performance
Article: Learning Versus Performance: An Integrative Review Author: Nicholas C. Soderstrom and Robert A. Bjork "…instruction should...

Teaching Talk
At Durrington, our teaching is based on a ‘tight but loose’ model around six pedagogical principles – more here. Informed by a mixture...

Popsicle Sticks and "Hands Down" are not the same as Cold Call
Cold Call, as you probably know if you read this blog regularly, is one of my favorite techniques– meaning that it’s one of the...
Is Direct Instruction the Answer to the Right Question
This Kirschner article has widely been criticised in academic circles for its misguided/simplistic definitions of constructivism and...