Principles of Effective Teaching
Teachers are always being offered lists of principles, axioms, tenets, precepts – the magic beans of teaching. We’re desperate to make...
12 Pointers Towards Great Teaching Assessment and Learning
Twelve is a good a number as any for directing people towards better teaching, assessment and learning. It certainly won’t cover...

Takeaway Homeworks
What I have done With my P6 class this year I have been trialling a new approach to homework. I have a bottom set group, and in maths...

Using Blogs at Markham in IT and Computer Science
Context The IT Department is trying Blogger as a collaboration with Peter Kvietok in History We are looking to use Blogger for...

Implementing Critical Thinking in History
1) What we've changed / implemented: The CPD we were given on critical thinking by Damian during the staff-training day really started...

Lesson Study Reflection (2015)
What We Did: We carried out a Lesson Study that focused on enhancing students thinking and analysis skills. Through our Lesson Study, we...

Differentiate Your Instruction with Videos
Roni Habib started using EDpuzzle in 2014. Since then, he's been able to differentiate his instruction, target every student differently,...

How to ensure that feedback leads to real learning
To read the blog by Andy Tharby (author of Making Every Lesson Count), go to his blog page here: https://reflectingenglish.wordpress.com/...

Marking in Perspective: Selective, Formative, Effective, Reflective
To read Tom Sherrington's (Headteacher and Highbury Grove School in Islington and regular blogger and tweeter @headguruteacher) post on...