Student/Teacher Feedback
Alicia shared a ‘student feedback’ form recently. Here students get an opportunity to provide feedback to teaching staff. The feedback...

Reflection Strategies
Teachers who promote reflective classrooms ensure that students are fully engaged in the process of making meaning. They organize...

The Ingredients for Great Teaching
The Ingredients For Great Teaching is an evidence informed book by Pedro De Bruyckere on some broad themes that help make teaching great....

Optimising learning during practical work
Practical work in science is hugely demanding - not only are students having to manipulate equipment they may not be familiar with,...
Effective Departmental Meetings
Within the Spanish Department, we have put in place a new way to deal with our Departmental "meetings". Taking in consideration some...
Can a case study in Geography ever be considered to be so old it is past its sell by date?
There is not a single Geography teacher on the planet that does not have a favourite case study. We love them and whether it is...

The Components of Direct Instruction
Article: The Components of Direct Instruction Author: Cathy L. Watkins, Timothy A. Slocum Reading Time: 2 hours The purpose of this...

High-Impact Instruction
I have just finished reading High-Impact Instruction by Jim Knight. I received this book as part of the Instructional Coaching Institute...
Explanations and Modelling
"In your best explanations, your artistry with words will transform complicated and abstract material into something clear and...
Lazy Teaching - Marking Less, Assessing More
For years I have said I am a Lazy Teacher. By this I don’t mean that I don’t spent hours planning and developing resources. I mean that...