The Biology Blog
This blog aims to allow the members of the Biology Department to reflect upon their Collaborative Projects. These are broad in their...
Five Steps To Revolutionize Whole-Class Novels
As a department we are continually discussing how we can develop more engagement, independence and stamina with reading in our students....

The Science of Learning
Article: The Science of Learning Author: Deans for Impact Article Reading Time: 20 minutes Summary The Science of Learning is a summary...
The first thing to note is that Maths is usually taught in sets. However, that does not mean that we do not have to differentiate. Even...
How I Teach - Dan Rodriguez-Clark
In this post I am going to share some of the ideas I use in my day to day lessons. These aren't lessons that I have prepared specifically...
What's the purpose of school
Education is ideological. Everyone involved in education has their own opinions on the main purpose of school. When people disagree on...

50 Great Activities For Any Classroom
A few years ago I wrote a book on activities to use in the classroom. I have run an INSET on this theme several times since being at...
How Knowledge Helps
Article: How Knowledge Helps Author: Daniel T. Willingham Article Reading Time: 20 minutes (11 pages) "It's true that knowledge gives...

Making Every Lesson Count
This post is a summary of the book Making Every Lesson Count by Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby. The book aims to provide a set of...
10 Silver Arrows
Silver Arrows? It’s very hard to change your practice. We’re all so busy, very often it is difficult to create space to fully explore a...